Photography Workshop at Sun to Moon Gallery
"Optimizing Your Images for Printing"
A 2-Day Photography Workshop with Charles Cramer
Saturday, February 20, 2016, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, February 21, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
COST: $495.00
Small class size – Limited to 12 participants.
"This workshop is about making your images stronger and more compelling,
and about how to best develop them to their maximum potential,
either as prints or for online viewing." – Charles Cramer
Most of the workshop will be about using the very powerful controls in Lightroom. This is a hands-on workshop. Charles “Charlie” Cramer will provide exercise files that participants can all work on together. Charlie (as do we) believes students learn best when they’re actively involved. So you’ll need to bring along a laptop with Lightroom 5 or 6. Charlie will also be demonstrate the extra power and control that Photoshop offers when used in conjunction with Lightroom. So having Photoshop on your computer would be a plus.
This is not a workshop for beginners. We will assume that students have familiarity with Lightroom (or Adobe Camera RAW). Some Photoshop experience would also be helpful.
There will also be a healthy discussion of color management and how to diagnose if a problem is due to your monitor calibration—or your printer profiles—or both! You will receive an invaluable "reference print" that can be used to test your printer, printer profile, and printer dialog settings. The pros and cons of many printer choices will be discussed and demonstrated with actual comparison prints.
Before the class, you will receive Charlie’s 81-page workbook, Optimizing Images for Printing. This is a tutorial that includes exercise files, so you can practice at home. You will discover the power of the most versatile adjustment layer of them all – curves. This handout covers what Charlie considers the essential techniques to optimize and fine-tune your images. Learning these techniques will not only increase your productivity, but result in stronger interpretations of your own images.
We want you to bring your own image files to the workshop. Participants will be asked to bring up to ten images (in digital form) for sharing. It is instructive to see what everyone is photographing, and we can also discuss how these images might be improved with changes in cropping or developing. Most workshops demonstrate how to do things. But, viewing student’s files will give us a chance to discuss something perhaps even more important – the why and the when to make certain changes to images.
– Using Lightroom (or Adobe Camera Raw) effectively
– Setting the Color Balance (aka Color temperature)
– Exposure slider vs. White slider
– Clarity and Sharpening
– Local Adjustments
– What to do in Lightroom—and what Photoshop can do better
– Smart Object workflow
– "Tonal Selections” in Photoshop
– Using color management to insure consistent results from monitor to final print
– How do you get good profiles for your monitor, scanner, and printer?
– Using the supplied "reference print" to diagnose your own setup and profiles
A STATEMENT FROM CHARLIE – "I have presented this material over seventy times throughout the country and am constantly refining what and how I present it. I strive to eliminate the superfluous, and present just the information that you need to effectively and efficiently process, refine, and optimize your own images."
What to Bring:
Tables will be provided and you’ll need to bring your own laptop computer with Adobe Lightroom CC or ver. 5 or 6 installed. Exercise files will be given out so you can follow along. You will also be asked to bring up to ten images (in digital form) for sharing.
Class Size:
The class size of 12 allows for great opportunities to interact with Charlie.
Charlie's personal workshops and those for the Ansel Adams Gallery
sell out quickly and are difficult to get into. Take advantage
of this fantastic opportunity to work with one of the best!
Cost: $495.00 * Lunch on both days is included
Mastercard, Visa, checks accepted.
Please read the Deposit, Cancellation & Refund Policy below.
CALL 214.745.1199 today to sign up.
About the Instructor...
Charles Cramer has been photographing the landscape for almost 40 years and, in our estimation (and many others), is one of the top photographers in the world today. It’s one thing to take great photographs and another to translate them into great prints. Charlie excels in both! Universally recognized as a master printer, his prints are held in collections worldwide. Only when you see his prints in person, and experience their brilliance and sharpness, do you fully appreciate them.
Charlie was also one of the first landscape photographers to work with the "digital darkroom," recognizing the computer as an unparalleled means to control color and realize his artistic interpretation of the scene.
He was selected by the National Park Service to be to be artist-in-residence in Yosemite National Park in 1987 and again in 2009 and was one of a select group of photographers chosen to photograph the Australian island of Tasmania in 2008 as part of "Adobe Lightroom Tasmania Adventure!" He has been profiled in Outdoor Photographer, View Camera, PhotoTechniques, and Photo Vision Magazines and is featured in the books “First Light: Five Photographers Explore Yosemite’s Wilderness” and "Landscape: The World's Top Photographers.”
The end goal of Charlie’s photography has always been to make beautiful prints and that is evident in his work. Many of his large-format color photographs are from Yosemite and the Southwest, but his portfolio consists of stunning images from Hawaii, the east coast, Antarctica and other areas. In addition to being an outstanding photographer and printer, he is in great demand as an instructor, teaching for the prestigious Ansel Adams Gallery Workshops, John Sexton Workshops and many others.
A $150 deposit at the time of your reservation reserves your space in the Charles Cramer workshop. The balance of $345 is due on or before January 29, 2016.
We rely on your attendance to make important contractual arrangements so, if for any reason you need to withdraw, please notify us in writing (email) as soon as possible. If notification of cancellation is made on or before January 22, we will refund your deposit, less a $100 cancellation fee.
If notification of cancellation is made January 23 – January 28, we will retain the $150 deposit.
Refunds are not available after January 28 unless we can fill the vacancy, in which case you will be charged a $150 cancellation fee. Refunds, if necessary, will be made by check.
Sun to Moon Gallery Workshops reserves the right to cancel a workshop at any time for low enrollment or for other reasons and will promptly refund all payments made to date.
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Sun to Moon Gallery
in the Dallas Design District
Open to the public
Gallery Hours: Thursday - Saturday, 11-5 and by appointment
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Sun to Moon Gallery
1515 Levee Street
Dallas, TX 75207
Phone 214.745.1199